Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A breakthrough ?

I think I made a breakthrough – A life shattering, mind altering breakthrough!!

I can’t even begin to explain how much my mind has been blown by this morning’s experience.

The world is FULL of people, different people have had different life experiences. Each of these experiences in turn create the current “STATE” of their life.

A man might be in a terrible car accident and loose the loose of his legs. He is disabled, anyone to see him can recognize his disability, but it doesn’t prevent him from leading a full and healthy life, but what if the accident leaves him upset and angry, “stunted”, unable to reach his full potential not because of the loss of his legs but because he simply hasn’t made the next mental/emotional step to move forward.

..But this is obvious when acted in TV shows, it’s “grand”, the actor playing the part yells at the other actors, calls them names..it is played that way so that we as the audience can empathize with what he is going through

Real life isn’t that BLACK AND WHITE. Their are so many subtleties, the man could recover could get out be sociable, do things, and function normally in most situations, but he still may hold back, may hold anger and resentment inside, and that holding on to it weakens him prevents him from reaching its full potential.

But the “problem” is in real life, we deal with people everyday, people with different levels of this ‘maturity’ but that is not how I have been moving through life, I have been continuing to assume over and over that whatever “emotional” milestone I have overcome, everyone else has to, that life exists as a learning experience for me and that I am at the back of the line trying to “catch up” to everyone else.

But this is FALSE, we are all at different points in the line together. And the line isn’t a race, the person in the lead isn’t ‘winning’, they simply ‘exist’ in that position and when we speak to one another person it can be hard sometimes to understand where someone ‘stands’ emotionally, but it is a mistake to ASSUME, they are in the same position as us.

Which is really ironic because we all want to feel connected to one another, we grow in our friendships by identifying things we have in common.

Okay, so I go along walking through life in this “line” assuming that everyone near me in the line is in the same ‘STATE’, if I look back I can see people who are at some type of super ‘obvious’ disadvantage. If I look ahead I see nothing.

So I am very OPEN to the people around me, people who have had difference experiences, but who I assume have learned / belief the same things as me. And this is where I get myself into trouble because even a small subtly can be like a GAP of a thousand miles if not charted carefully.

And it is NOT  my “DUTY” to assume or to try and bring everyone along with me on my journey, some people will want to travel along side of me, some will not, some I will not want to have by my side.