Sunday, October 27, 2019

Today is Sunday, Oct 27 1991 - 12:35PM

Note: The post below is a transcription of a handwritten journal entry from 28 years ago. I think in this entry I was trying to rationalize why 'crib death' occurs. It seemed so sad that a baby could die so young, and I figured this was a logical explanation at the time....

The human body is essential only on the physical plain of existence. The soul is the essence of life and is housed within the physical body. The soul enters the brain. It is an EGO for a computer. Once the soul enters the brain, which happens at birth, the soul can operate the body. Humans spend the first 2 years at most adjusting to their body. At conception until birth the body and brain develop in preparation for the soul to enter. The moment the soul enters the baby is ready to be born. No human will survive after two years without a soul. When the soul leaves the body becomes like one mass cell which breaks down because the systems of the body are no longer being used.

Without a soul the brain cannot control the body. First all emotions shut down because the soul is what 'feels' the reactions known as emotions. Without a receiver to emotions, they cease.

Next every body system that is capable of working slows down and finally stops, this is the physical death of the body.  When a baby is born without a soul this results because the soul hasn't been matched for the body within a ten month to year process. The baby is born alive with no soul the brain decides to run the body it tries 'to live'. However, the baby will die within 2 years. The brain has no one giving it stimulus so it ceases to function.

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